Contributing to Hydrant

Hydrant is a relatively young project that can use plenty of help from anyone. Things listed here are rough guidelines, but are a good starting direction.

If you have any questions, feel free to email jeff at with some subject talking about Hydrant.

Filing Bugs

Found a bug? File an issue on the GitHub page. When you write on up, be sure to include:

  • Steps to reproduce the behavior in question. Small code examples that demonstrate is are excellent!
  • Expected behavior, what expected to happen.
  • Actual behavior, what actually happened.

These points are mostly a starting conversation about the issue.

Contributing Code

Code is welcomed, although unlike application code, is subjected to more scrutiny. Since the most expense part about software is maintaince, so pull requests require the following:

  • Tests that can verify the regression (if a bug) or validate a new feature
  • If its a new feature, documentation explaining the new feature.

It’s good to keep in mind the original design of Hydrant when writing the code.

Feedback about the pull request or code contributes are never towards the contributor, but instead towards improving the code.

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