Handling Hydrant Errors

When handling Hydrant errors, use the -[HYDError isFatal] method to check if the received error is fatal. Fatal errors indicate that the resulting object should not be used:

HYDError *error = nil;
id resultingObject = [mapper objectFromSourceObject:json error:&error];

if ([error isFatal]) {
    // do error handling
} else {
    // success

If [error isFatal] is NO, but there is a non-nil error, then a non-fatal error has occurred. This is happens when a fallback parse option has taken place. A simple example of this is with HYDMapOptionally:

id<HYDMapper> mapper = HYDMapOptionallyTo(HYDMapStringToURL());

id invalidURL = @1;

HYDError *error = nil;
id resultingObject = [mapper objectFromSourceObject:invalidURL error:&error];
// error => non-fatal error
// resultingObject => nil

This example above produces a non-fatal error with a resulting object of nil. The non-fatal error reports the error that HYDMapStringToURL would.

Debugging Parse Errors

Without exceptions, it becomes harder to track down the sources of errors. For this reason, Hydrant errors store a signifcant amount of information for debugability.

Currently HYDErrors provides a human-friendly output when using debugDescription or description:

(lldb) po error
[FATAL] HYDErrorDomain (code=HYDErrorMultipleErrors) because "Multiple parsing errors occurred (fatal=1, total=2)"
- Could not map from 'name.first' to 'firstName' (HYDErrorInvalidResultingObjectType)

The default description will emit all the fatal errors that have occurred when parsing. Non-fatal errors are suppressed from output. If you want to see all the errors, use -[HYDError fullDescription]:

(lldb) po [error fullDescription]
[FATAL] HYDErrorDomain (code=HYDErrorMultipleErrors) because "Multiple parsing errors occurred (fatal=1, total=2)"
- Could not map from 'name.first' to 'firstName' (HYDErrorInvalidResultingObjectType)
- Could not map from 'name.last' to 'lastName' (HYDErrorInvalidResultingObjectType)

If you like trees, you can have a more classical-styled output using -[HYDError recursiveDescription], which prints a tree of fatal errors.

And there’s a corresponding -[HYDError fullRecursiveDescription] which emits a tree of all errors.

Reading Information from Hydrant Errors

If you want more debugging information access the userInfo dictionary:

  • HYDIsFatalKey returns an NSNumber indicating when the error is fatal or not. Fatal errors indicate the resulting object return should not be used.
  • HYDUnderlyingErrorsKey returns all the child errors that contributes to this error.
  • HYDSourceObjectKey returns the source object that caused the error. For child errors, this can be part of the original source object.
  • HYDDestinationObjectKey returns destination object that caused the error. Most of the time this is nil unless mappers do post-object validation, such as HYDMapTypes.
  • HYDSourceAccessorKey returns the source accessor for accessing the source object value in question.
  • HYDDestinationAccessorKey returns the destination accessor for the destination object. This is the intended destination of the resulting object. produced by this mapper.

HYDError provides a helper methods for reading keys from userInfo more easily:

- (BOOL)isFatal;
- (NSArray *)underlyingErrors;
- (id)sourceObject;
- (id)destinationObject;
- (id<HYDAccessor>)sourceAccessor;
- (id<HYDAccessor>)destinationAccessor;


It’s worth noting that sourceObject and destinationObject could leak sensitive information. Be careful when you’re sending HYDError’s userInfo over the network or logging to disk.

Creating Hydrant Errors

If you’re writing your own Mapper or Accessor there are also helper methods to construct conforming Hydrant errors:

+ (instancetype)errorWithCode:(NSInteger)code
             underlyingErrors:(NSArray *)underlyingErrors;

This will properly construct the object with all possible information. While not all the arguments are required. Providing more information will help with tracing down parse errors. The only required parameters are code and isFatal – any other parameter can accept nil.

underlyingErrors is an array of NSErrors, which can include other Hydrant errors.

If your mapper contains other mappers, it can wrap errors with more information:

+ (instancetype)errorFromError:(HYDError *)error

This method uses existing values from the source error with potential overrides or additions based on the context of the mapper’s usage. Passing in nil will use the underlying error’s values. Only error and isFatal are required.

If your mapper uses multiple child mappers, you can create a HYDError with multiple errors:

+ (instancetype)errorFromErrors:(NSArray *)errors

This will store the underlying errors for debugging via -[description] and similar methods.

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